Resources: Funeral Rite
The priests and staff of All Souls Catholic Parish are here to accompany you when you have experienced the death of a loved one. We are ready to work with the family and the funeral home to offer praise and thanksgiving to God for the gift of a life which has now been returned to God.
Do you need to plan a funeral?
The topics in this section will help guide you through the process of planning a funeral, either in advance, or for a current loss.
What Happens at a Catholic Funeral?
Making Funeral Arrangements
Funeral Liturgy (Mass)
Other Aspects of Funerals
Covid Guidelines for Funeral Masses
Funerals: Frequently Asked Questions
Funeral Pre-Planning
Video: All Souls Catholic Funerals and Cemetery - in 5 minutes
Please contact a member of the All Souls Bereavement staff to begin the process of celebrating life even amidst the sorrow and tears of loss.