Pre-Planning Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I pre-plan?
When you plan ahead, you are able to consider the many options available. You have the opportunity to make an informed decision about your funeral and cemetery arrangements, and the form of memorial you prefer. You are able to make choices that are meaningful to both you and your family, and you gain peace of mind knowing your family and friends will be relieved of the emotional and financial burden often associated with making arrangements when a death occurs. By prearranging your funeral and cemetery services, you benefit by buying at today’s prices and are free from price changes in the future.
Do most people make their arrangements ahead of time?
More than 75% of all burial graves, and niches are purchased ahead of time. Planning your cemetery arrangements ahead of time is a loving, compassionate, and financially advantageous step for yourself and your family. This also ensures your wishes are easy to carry out for those you leave behind.
What is the first thing I should do?
Contact your pastor to connect with the parish bereavement team and to begin planning the Funeral Rites. If you are not registered with a parish, you may contact the pastor of the nearest Catholic church. Next, contact a funeral home to arrange for burial or cremation services. Please let the funeral director know you wish to plan for a Catholic funeral. Contact the cemetery from whom you’ve purchased Interment Rights or the most convenient Catholic cemetery.