The Pastoral Council is a body of parishioners who represent the diverse needs and population of the parish whose function is to:
1. Advise and consult with the Pastor in policymaking, planning and governing
2. Discover, fulfill, and support parish and community needs
3. Free parish priests for their ministry
4. Respond to the expressed ideas and opinions of parishioners in a timely manner
5. Create structures for exercise of lay initiatives
6. Serve as a clearinghouse for parish activities
This Pastoral Council is functioning under the authority of the bishop of the Diocese of Orlando, Florida, and the direction of the Pastor of All Souls Parish of Sanford, Florida.
Parish Council Members
Frank Frana – Chair
Polly Delucia - Secretary
Commission Roster
James Cleveland
School liason: Christina Kalisz
April McManus
Long Range Planning
Bernie Lefils - Chair
Annette Lommerse - Co-Chair
Family Life
Elise Corcoran
Social Concerns
Cathie Durkin
Judy Wilhelm
Council of Catholic Women
Eleanor Tolley
Knights of Columbus
Chris Thompson
Hispanic Ministry
Dulce Rodriguez
At Large Member
Kim Craft