Monthly Offertory Shortfall Factors
What can we do to help?
Just $6 more per month from each Parish Family and we would be able to meet our expenses. Please prayerfully consider increasing your tithing; or for some of us, “start tithing”! Only 34% of our parish families currently tithe.
What is Tithing?
Tithing is sharing our “treasure” but most importantly the act of tithing brings us closer to GOD. He asks us to share our:
Time Volunteer
Talents Share our expertise in certain areas with others and the Church
Treasure Giving financially to his CHURCH and CHARITIES
For those that have never tithed, what is the appropriate amount? According the Catholic Church, the first 10% (first fruits) of our earnings are for GOD and are to go to GOD’s Church. If half of our parish families tithed at 5% - we would not only have a significant surplus, but we could also complete the vision of SR 46 campus with a completed Social Hall, Gymnasium and a New School.
Please prayerfully consider pulling together to both, increase the level of giving, and expand the number of families participating. The parish is grateful for all stewardship contributions, no matter the size.
Please visit to donate.