Making Funeral Arrangements
When should you make funeral arrangements? As soon as the medical doctor recommends, or your family receives the news of the death of a loved one, the family should do the
following regarding funeral rites and arrangements.
- Call the Parish Office to let us know so we may include the deceased’s name in the Sunday’s Mass intention. Our staff is there to assist you, should you have any questions.
- Concurrently, search for a funeral home that appreciates the Catholic faith and offers a package that fits your family’s financial situation. It is helpful to look over the provided guide to become familiar with the Catholic Funeral Rites before discussing options with a funeral home.
- As soon as the funeral home works through the details with you, and lets you know when the body or cremated remains will be ready for the Funeral Rites, call the Parish Office to make the proper arrangements.
Parish Funeral Coordination
- Once the date is known that the body or cremated remains will be ready for the Funeral Rites, the familly will contact the Parish Office with that information. Two options are to be provided for the date/time of the Funeral Rites that work best for the family.
- The Schedule Keeper for the Parish, and the Director of Pastoral Care and Outreach, will search for the closest available date/time of the church sanctuary, and confirm which priest or deacon will celebrate the funeral Mass.
- After the Funeral Mass is scheduled and logged in the Parish Calendar, an All Souls funeral planner will contact the family to schedule a meeting in the Parish Office, during which all the details of the funeral can be discussed.
- The scheduled funeral date/time will be posted on the parish website after the planning meeting.