Flocknote Sign Up Instructions
Flocknote is the easiest way to get emails and/or text messages from All Souls Parish. Signing up is easy by using “text to join” on your smartphone, or by signing up online using the instructions provided here.
Watch The "Sign Up Video" At The Bottom Of This Page
Click This Link To Go To "Sign Up Instructions" In English and Spanish
What Is Flocknote?
Flocknote is an email and text messaging tool that helps you stay connected with All Souls Parish. And, it helps All Souls communicate with our parish family, with messages that inspire and inform, or when critical issues arise (i.e., extreme weather, Covid-19 alerts, emergency situations, etc.)
How Is Flocknote Used?
The All Souls communications team uses Flocknote to keep you informed as quickly possible. Our Faith Formation and Youth Ministry also use Flocknote to inform their members. And, Flocknote allows you to reply directly back to the messages you receive.
Is There A Fine Print Gotcha?
Flocknote is totally free for you to use, you don’t even have to download anything or create a password in order to participate. All it takes is simply your name, email address and/or phone number. Your info is kept totally private and secure, and it’s never, ever shared. Lastly, you can unsubscribe at any time, so try it today and get connected!