Faith Formation
Faith Formation begins within the family at home in the domestic church. As Catholics, we believe that the seed of faith is first planted and nourished in our children by the parents who are the first teachers of the faith in the life of a child. Upon Baptism, both that of the parents and the child, a promise is made to be raised in the faith to be a disciple of Christ. The intent of formal Faith Formation (whether in a Catholic School or in a Parish Program) is not to replace the role of the parent as the primary catechist but rather to work in partnership with families to fulfill those Baptismal promises.
All Souls Faith Formation offers a family centered faith formation program. We do this by accompany families on their faith journey; to equip them with the knowledge and understanding of what is being taught and how to teach their children. WE show how these teachings are experienced through the church and in their lives. We are assisting each person in forming a fulfilling, personal relationship with Christ and in turn this allows our families to equip themselves and introduce Christ to all those they in turn would encounter.
To live our faith to the fullest it is expected that your family is attending Mass at All Souls on a regular basis. Celebrating liturgy together is at the center of our Catholic faith and is the greatest expression of our beliefs.
Please explore our other Faith Formation web pages,
so you can learn about all we have to offer!
Have questions or want more information?
Contact the Parish Catechetical Leader
Phone: 407.322.3795 or email Kevin Pastore