Win The 50/50 Money Raffle
Three lucky winners will go home with the 50/50 Raffle prize. Will it be you? We hope so!
But to win, you have to participate. Join us in this fun event that can win you cash and also help the All Souls community during the yearly Community Family Fest.
Each Raffle ticket costs $5.00. To enter the Raffle, you must complete a 2021 Money Raffle Ticket form for each ticket . PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY. You must be 18 years or older to participate.
There are three ways to enter the cash raffle:
Make check/money order payable to All Souls Catholic Church; on memo section, write Raffle Ticket. Ticket sales will end at 8:00pm on Saturday, Nov. 6th.
Drawing will be on Sunday, November 7, 2020 at 1:10pm. Winners will be notified, so you don’t have to be present to win.
Give yourself a chance to win a great prize by being a part of this fun event. Get your raffle tickets and stay tuned for the winners! Good luck!